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About Houston Xiangqi Association

The Houston Xiangqi Association (HXA), an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, stands proudly as a founding member of the American Xiangqi Federation. Established in July 1998, the HXA has been steadfast in its commitment to promoting xiangqi not only in Houston, but across the entirety of the United States.

Our current president, Yushan Hu, together with vice presidents James Shu and Richard Tse, and honorary president Richard Cheng, leads a dedicated group of about 40 members. This includes two International Grandmasters (IGM) and three Fide Masters (FM).

Over the years, HXA has organized numerous xiangqi competitions and children's classes in the Houston area. These events not only celebrate the art of xiangqi, but also serve as a platform to showcase Chinese cultural traditions. The result has been a vibrant, engaged community of local youths learning and enjoying the game.

Our efforts have been rewarded with the continuous support from various community groups and enterprises in Houston, such as the Chinese Civic Center, the Zhiqing Association, and AFNB. Moreover, the HXA has fostered close relationships and mutual visitations with sister associations across North America, including those in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Toronto.
In addition to these local and North American activities, we have been hosting to numerous North American xiangqi tournaments. Moreover, we have strengthened our global ties, particularly with the Chinese Xiangqi Association, as evidenced by the Chinese National Xiangqi Team's biennial visits to Houston since 2013. These visits have become a highlight in the Houston and North American xiangqi arenas.

Most notably, we are excited to announce that HXA won the prestigious honor of hosting the 2023 World Xiangqi Championships this coming November. This event represents the pinnacle of worldwide xiangqi competition, and we are thrilled to be at the center of it.



休斯敦象棋协会是IRS 501C(3)非盈利机构, 成立于1998年,是美国象棋联合会和北美象棋联合会的创建成员之一。现任主席是胡玉山,副主席由徐建勋和谢文川担任,荣誉主席郑守贤。协会现有大约40名成员,其中包括国际特级大师2位和棋联大师3位。秉着促进象棋在休斯敦以及北美发展之宗旨,多年以来,休斯顿象棋协会一直致力于推广象棋艺术,弘扬中华文化传统,组织本地休斯顿地区象棋比赛,少儿象棋培训班等等,吸引了众多在北美的华裔青少年的参与。休斯顿象棋协会也得到了休斯顿各社团、企业的支持,包括中国人活动中心、知青联谊会、恒丰银行等等。除了本地的比赛以外,休斯顿象棋协会也与北美各地的协会有着密切的友谊互访的关系,比如纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山等等。休斯顿象棋协会还多次主办北美的象棋邀请赛,是北美象棋界的主要办赛城市。自2013年以来,休斯敦象棋协会加强了与中国象棋协会的交流—中国国家象棋队每两年访问休斯顿一次, 成为休斯顿以及北美象棋活动的一个亮点。休斯顿象棋协会已参加历届北美杯象棋赛事近十年。休斯顿队曾经得到了多次团队冠军和两次个人冠军的好成绩,其中胡玉山获得2010年第二届北美杯冠军,Yogi Do获得2016年第七届北美杯冠军,双双荣获世象联颁发的国际特级大师称号。胡玉山还获得2015 美加象棋名手赛冠军,2019年北美大师杯冠军。休斯顿的队员多次代表美国参加国际比赛, 多次取得前六名的优异成绩。胡玉山在2017 第九届韩信杯国际名人赛获得个人第五名, 2018 第十届韩信杯国际名人赛获得双人赛冠军,2019“一带一路”嘉定杯上海友好城市象棋邀请赛第六名。在2022年马来西亚世界象棋锦标赛里,休斯顿棋手Nhat Quang Le代表美国象棋协会参赛,一鸣惊人,取得个人第六名的优异成绩,排在了全国冠军王廓的前面。特别可喜的是今年美国象棋协会暨休斯顿象棋协会成功获得在美国休斯顿举办2023年世界象棋锦标赛的承办权,目前美国象棋界都在紧锣密鼓地筹办首次在美国举办的世界象棋锦标赛,这个世锦赛是整个象棋界最大的赛事。


2015 China National Team visits Houston


2017 China National Team visits Houston


2018 8th AFNB Cup Tournament, Houston


2018 Hanxin Cup International Invitational, China


2019 Shanghai International Invitational


2020 2nd Qiantian Cup US Team Tournament, Houston


2022 9th AFNB Cup Tournament, Houston


2022 17th World Xiangqi Championship, Malaysia

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